Mountain Front Resources, LLC was founded in 2006 by Adam Johnson and Barry Squires. Adam has over 15 years of banking experience working in his family’s bank in southwest Oklahoma and Barry has over 20 years of legal experience as an attorney with two practices in southwest Oklahoma. Both men helped their families manage their oil and gas mineral portfolios for years before beginning Mountain Front Resources, LLC.
With a goal of widening their investments in oil and gas interests from southwestern Oklahoma to other parts of the state and into other states across the country, Adam and Barry also started the company to assist mineral owners in their area and elsewhere who were in need of advice on leasing and managing their family’s mineral interests.
We saw a need in our community among mineral owners who needed someone actively helping make their mineral interests work for them instead of their minerals sitting dormant and waiting for an oil company to make a lease offer. We completed a large leasing project for Chesapeake Energy in our community in 2006-2007 and most of the owners leased for the first time in almost 25 years. We saw a separate need by some who needed a market for their minerals when they needed to liquidate for financial reasons, to diversify their investments, or even to take a long deserved vacation. We are pleased to provide a ready market and quick closing process to mineral owners all over the country.
Mountain Front Resources, LLC has had consistent and increasing success year after year which we attribute to our faith in God and his guidance and protection in our personal and business pursuits.